Friday, February 21, 2014

Brown Rice Kheer / Pudding

I love thick varieties of Pudding or kheer as we Indian says. I made this kheer before on trial basis and my huby loved it so when I was having guest for diner , without much more thinking I made this and it was better from last time, so I have to click it and share it with you all. First of all its healthy , because it has brown rice in it and its not soft like white rice pudding, it has crunch and chewiness in it so it become more tasty. He said I want in fridge for all the time. I said we will see. I used condensed milk for sweetener but you can use regular sugar, brown sugar , date or fig puree. Possibilities are just beyond imagination.

Ingredients :

1 cup cooked brown rice (cooked till its 90% done)
I used this brand because it cooks in 10 minutes.
1/2 can condensed milk
1 tbsp. cardamom powder
few chopped nuts (raisins, almonds , cashews)
2 cups milk (use almond, soya or coconut milk too, if you want to make vegan)
cheery for garnish (optional)


Heat a thick bottom pan , Add milk in it and wait till it boils.
After first boil, add cooked rice and stir.
when the milk is thicken add condensed milk, cardamom powder and nuts and make sure you keep on stirring so it doesn't stick on bottom.
When its thick enough , take it off the flame and take out in container.
When its completely cool, put a lid on top and put it in fridge for good 2-3 hours.
At the time serving, take short glass, pour 3/4 pudding in glass, sprinkle some finely chopped almonds then cheery  and enjoy.

This will satisfy your craving for sweet 100%, try and tested. Enjoy.
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  1. Kheer looks awesome Linsy.. love the options given of sweetening with puree never thought of that before for kheer.

    1. Made one more dessert with one of those option, will come soon ,

  2. wow such an interesting and healthy kheer with brown rice :) very luscious dessert :)

  3. healthy pudding with brown rice,yummy

  4. a very healthy option for dessert... :)

  5. I'm the same, love the Indian varieties of sweets/desserts. Its a healthy kheer with brown rice yet I think basmati will be another good choice too.

    1. Yes Nava, Basmati is always good but when we get brown why not try with that. now here we get brown basmati too.

  6. Healthy alternative to the normal rice pudding. Really nice healthy dessert.

  7. Lovely kheer...never tasted brown rice hope soon I can...'possibilities are just beyond imagination' keeping this in mind :)

    1. I never make anything with white rice, stir fried rice or Mexican , its always brown, only for some Indian dishes I use white.

  8. now I know what else I can do with brown rice. I have a bit of the thick brown rice left in the jar. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

    1. if its too thick , better cook them thru and then add it in milk so there is no raw flavor in it. enjoy.

  9. Healthy and tasty kheer ........ !!

  10. Looks really appetizing and delicious dear :)

  11. Brown rice kheer looks really tasty and nice idea serving in shot glasses.

  12. Brown rice taste same as white rice ?In cakes i heard f adding apple puree or dates puree instead of regular sugar ...Yes we can use it in kheers too...

    1. For regular basis its same, I always use brown for stir fried rice and in mexican food, use white only for indian food only when I have guests. For this its little chewy not soft as regular rice. Yes I used nuts puree more than sugar.

  13. looks very yumm...I will def try this ...

  14. Love to grab a cup...really a healthy kheer!

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