Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Mixed Nut Brittle with Jaggery

When it was Makar sankranti , everyone was making til ladoos and til brittle, I made it too but waited till everyone's containers empty so I can make them salivate more. I don't like til, peanuts or mamra ladoos or brittle. I just like mixed nuts one, but it always made with sugar and I didn't like that idea. So I try that with jaggery and I just loved it, I got this jaggery powder from Indian store, so I saved my time to grate jaggery. This taste remind me of eating only gud (jaggery) brittle, I used to get , after school snack, a big block of that brittle for only 10 paisa. Now a days I guess any kid has seen a 10 paisa in India. That time it was big deal for us , and that goes for a long time too. You can replace nuts with Sesame seeds, peanuts and puff rice too but this is my favorite one so here we go.

Thank you all for all the encouraging comments about my last post. Got so nice response from all of you and good wishes from all of you too. Thank you so much again for this and will be posting more and more recipes for this.

Ingredients :

1 cup Jaggery powder
1 cup mixed nuts ( almonds, cashews, pistachios)
2 tbsp. coconut powder - optional
Pinch of Cardamom powder
1 tsp of ghee to grease the dish


Roast the nuts till you get nice little brown spots on it. Keep it aside
Grease the dish where you want to spread it.
Take a deep pan.
Add the jaggery powder and stir it quickly so it melts.
It will be done in two minutes.
Add the nuts and mix it and spread it instantly on dish. I sprinkle more nuts on top. 
Let it cool for five minutes and cut it in what ever shape you can break it. 
Enjoy till its last. 


  1. these brittles look yummy dear....feel like having few

    1. Have some, it will done in 10 minutes. Thanks dear

  2. the powder makes it easier to make it! healthy brittle...

  3. We often make this, but never thought of using cardamom. We usually melt lumps of gour- the jaggery powder looks much easier! Nice one :)

    1. I used to do that, first grate the gur and then do it, but when i saw this in store, got it. its useful in other cooking also. Thank you

  4. Lovely!!! Looks yummy.

  5. delicious. My hubby is asking me when I am going to make some for him!

    1. Banavi do, var ketli. Patidev ni demand hoi to we have to do it. Thank you

  6. better than the sugar brittles,yummy n quick ones!!

  7. Nice. Quite an invention for crunch and munch.

  8. A quick and healthy energy bars..... love this.... :)

  9. Healthy and quick bars. Awesome. They look super delicious :)

  10. Never made with jaggery .. always used sugar .. will surely give it a try

  11. Mixed nut brittle looks perfect thanks for sharing with Hearth and soul blog hop.


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