Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Easy 3 ingredients Strawberry Mousse

I am always looking for easy dessert recipes since I like to eat and not wait. This is easy, delicious and good for any party where you have to feed lot of people. You don't have to bake this mousse so its perfect for hot summer days. Just need strawberries, whipped cream and sugar and done. First make puree of strawberries with some sugar, add half the puree in whipped cream and half on the cup and chill it and enjoy it. I made this on Valentine's day for our dessert. And it was a hit, kids loved it since now a days strawberries are in full season, kids love to eat it with Nutella anyways so I just added in whipped cream and its done.

Ingredients : 

16 Strawberries
Sugar as per taste
1 tub of whipped cream 8 oz.
Extra strawberries for toppings

Method : 

Take 14 strawberries and washed them and cut the top green part and put it in blender with sugar in it.

Make a fine puree.

Remove half a cup of puree and leave it aside.

You can use bowls or tall glass, I used bowls.

Mix whipped cream and puree nicely.

Divide that leftover 1/2 cup leftover puree in your serving bowl.

and then top it off with whipped cream mixture.

Chill it for 2 hours and before serving cut the fresh strawberries and put it on top and enjoy.

I have made 8 bowls of mousse from this recipe.


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