Friday, July 19, 2013

My 1 year blog Anniversary and Chocolate Chip Cookie Brittle

One year ago today I started my blog and today I have some amazing friends in all over the world and my recipes are appreciated by all of you. I am so happy that I decided to start writing my recipes down and sharing with you otherwise my facebook friends would have been so bored by now , liking and commenting on my posts that I have been lost some of them, just kidding.  Thank you so much for liking my Facebook page, I got 286 likes there, 155 followers and 60,000 + page views in one year, I think I am so lucky to get all your support and love.

You have to agree that I show you guys how to use paniyaram pan for different uses too. I am glad that some of you start using that pan for all the other uses too. I am so happy when my ideas appreciated by you and I saw some of my dishes come up in some competitions too. I have so many ideas also which I will show and share it with you in near future.

By now  you know that I am not a baker and I was not even planning to bake cake for my blog  anniversary but still wanted to make something sweet so here it is.

We make all kind of brittles, nuts, dry fruits, mix of both and you name it and we make it so why not make chocolate chip brittle. It is so easy and good that everyone in your family will enjoy it. We all have these ingredients in our pantry , its not that fancy but I don't make it any complicate dishes, just play around with your ingredients and you will come up with new dishes. So lets bake it.

1 cup butter, softened
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Cream the butter, vanilla, and salt in a large mixer bowl.
Gradually beat in the sugar. Add the flour and chocolate chips.
Mix well, its not going to be thick batter, but first it will crumbly then it will become nice soft dough.
Press evenly into a ungreased pan. Put it in very thin layer, I did it thick cause that's how I like it, but to more brittle like it, make it thin.
Bake for 25-30 minutes, until golden brown. I like it more crunchy so I baked it 5 minutes more.
Once cooled, break into irregular pieces and serve.


  1. Hey Linsy congrats on completing one year.You sure come up with amazing ideas which always makes me think.Wishing you many more beautiful years of blogging

  2. Hey Congratulations!!! Lovely brittles :)

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! kepp posting such lovely and perfect recipes, this choc chip snackers are perfect for after meal hunger pangs...yummmmmm :-)

  4. Hi Linsy! Congrats dear. Keep sharing. i do agree that you have shared some great ideas. Good luck.Nice to know that you are happy. Thanks for the treat.

  5. Only a year? I've been going 2 1/2 and our fb page about 6 months and I've not had all those followers like you! congratulations, and hope you have many more successful years with this blog :)

  6. congratulations on your milestone & Happy Anniversary!
    These cookies are delicious and it is nice when the shape is irregular...

  7. Congrats Linsy, wish u and ur lovely blog and very happy anniversary. Keep blogging and keep rocking girl...
    Wonderful way to celebrate lovely chocolate brittle...

  8. Congrats and am looking forward to more fabulous recipes in your space. I am like you, I don't bake that often but certainly you made an impressive brittle.

  9. Congrats dear n wishing u many many more 2 come... the brittle looks yum...

  10. Congratulation Linsy, and happy anniversary to you and your blog.....

  11. Happy Anniversary Linsy dear...!!!! Hope you see many many more. ...

  12. congrats and more miles to go dear and a srumptious recipe

  13. Congratulations on the one year anniversary.
    You are a very versatile and innovative blogger, keep doing!! And the brittle choco chip cookie looks yum as always!

  14. awesome.. congrats Linsy..
    Having found this blog well written and also worth reading I nominate this blog for ABC award. Check here for details:

  15. Love the flacky choco chip cookies..perfect for celebrations!!

  16. Congrats on the Blog's first Anniversary..
    Wishing many many more.
    A perfect treat for the occasion.

  17. Congrats dear. Cookie looks yummy and delicious. You rock!!!

  18. Congrats & happy anniversary dear.. Yummy looking brittle :) Wish u many more years of blogging !

  19. Congrats and Happy Anniversary :)

  20. Congrats on your blog's first anniversary.The chocolate brittle looks lovely and crunchy

  21. congrats Linsy.wishing many more to come.nice treat.

  22. congrats on completing one....way to go girl...loved the chocolate filled cookie :)

  23. congratulations on your first anniversary. lovely sweet treat. quick way to make cookies.

  24. Congrats dear. Cookie looks yummy and delicious. You rock!!!

  25. Congratulations Linsy. The brittle is a wonderful way to celebrate this milestone. I am so glad you have started to love baking:):)Thank you for linking

  26. Congrats on your first anniversary, cookie looks so yummy.

  27. The brittle looks too luvely yaar, and congrauts for your blog anniversery! You are an luvely, succesful blogger and also an good friend. Am happy for ur incredible journey!!

  28. Choco brittle looks too tempting n lovely dear,congrats for ur blog annivarsery:)

  29. Congratulations Linsy!!!!! May you have many many many more!!!! You have done very well dear. Keep going!

  30. Congratulations. Keep blogging and keep rocking!!!!

  31. Congratulations dear! Keep cooking, blogging and rocking! :)
    And the brittle looks absolutely yum!

  32. Congrats on your blog anniversary, Wishing many more years of happy blogging.

  33. Congrats, keep going.. nice brittle treat for us..
    Thanks for Linking to my EVENT.

  34. Brilliant treat for kids.. Nice recipe.. Thanks for linking with us..


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