Sunday, February 15, 2015

SS # 8 - Holding the Food

This time for the SS series , we have a task to hold the food and shot the picture. So I have my kid to pose for me for this, if there is a food shot where I have to put it and click it , I will be done in no time, but when it comes to hold it, I have to find time, kids mood and all the things keep in mind so it took time. But finally I managed to did it. I made this for Valentine's day and asked him to pose for it. He was asking me lot of questions but finally managed to get some clicks.

Merry Tummy and  Siris Food. 


  1. Thats a bright shot linsy.Very good.

  2. Thats a nice shot Linsy u should use this hand model more often :) oh their mood and questions tell me about it. :))

    1. Oh its very hard to get hold of this hands now a days. wish i could, but will keep in mind, thanks

  3. good one, kids are not very co operative with this shot that I hardly got any steady shots :(

    1. I made up story and with tons of questions he was ready to do that. Thanks

  4. nice pose for food.I like the 3rd capture....

  5. nice and tight... good shots, dear...


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